Monday, February 28, 2011

Well it's been over a year since I last blogged, so it's time to come out from underneath that rock and get back in the 21st Century!

March will be exciting, as I have guest bloggers sharing tips and tricks to help you find the key to a simplified life!

So how can I help you gain the key to a simplified life?  Let me ask you a question that will get you thinking and feel free to comment!

Will you be spending your entire week-end doing mundane tasks and missing out on family and friends?  

I'll get to that tomorrow. It's something business professionals say all the time, yet somehow, we never manage to whittle down the list of action items at work or at home. For years, if you were lucky enough to be a top executive, relief came in the form of an administrative assistant - a trusted "right hand" to juggle meeting schedules, travel and appointments. A June 30, 2009 article on titled "How to Hire a Great Assistant" by Tara Weiss says, "If you're a manager or executive, your assistant is one of the most important people in your life. He or she is the person the world meets before getting to you."

These days, hiring the equivalent of a "Chief of Staff" is more common than you think for everyone from entrepreneurs, busy executives, seniors to and stay-at-home moms. Yet, as our lives get more complicated, the role of personal assistant has grown in scope to include highly sensitive and confidential tasks such as paying bills, managing the individual services for your home (i.e. gardening, housekeeping, remodeling), travel arrangements, assisting with legal and medical documents, even overseeing your social calendar. There are tremendous benefits to having someone within arm's reach who can juggle what you never have time for. Only now, with work time intermixed with personal time, you need far more than a junior assistant, you need a trusted adviser, a concierge who is standing by 24/7.

Don't think you can afford a personal assistant/concierge?

Check out our Urbane Concierge Time/Cost Assessment calculator and see how much time you spend on evenings and weekends doing life's mundane tasks:

Enjoy the last day of February and stay tuned for our upcoming featured bloggers!

Kim A. Daly
Founder, Urbane Concierge